I noticed that my handbrake didnt really work the way it should.. so i decided to tighten it this morning and also clean the car abit..
Jeng jeng...bringing in the cleaner...
suck suck suck~dun think the other way lol
then tighten my handbrake..
and put the cover back..
and then i tried to fix my rear seatbelt..but tak jadi..nvm lah..car below 1994 no need mah...LOL...
well, after that my handbrake still tak makan..
so i went back to the shop...the tauke ask the indian guy to adjust the handbrake..*yea rite i also know la tighten screw..thats why oni i went back*
then he just pulled the handbrake lever HIGHER to make it makan..WTF I HAD ADJUSTED IT TO BECOME 1 CLICK...KNN la..
okay forget that...its ok....i can live with it.. then i asked the guy.. my wiper..INTerval mode cannot work..relay problem right?and the fucking indian guy say..
"nola..ur wiring thing problem..not relay..if relay then other mode also cannot work edy..need to change the internal stuff.. expensive.."
ASK HIM KISS MY ARSE LA.. i was very sure its the relay thats causing the problem..
so i drove to another workshop..near my house..and i was suprised.. theres such a good workshop nearby my house..and i fcking went far far...lawll..
well, the workshop was damn good.. confirmed is the relay problem.. cost rm43 for a new one... then i said my wiper link and wiper also aging edy..until the link dislocated..so change everything..
Took relay out..
this is what happens when ur relay rosak...interval mode cannot use..damn..
the old wiper link jammed..the nut rusted and its holding on like elephant glue LOL..
so must resort to this..
jeng jeng jeng!!
finally..the stubborn old wiper link is out..~
new wiper link...
after installing the link...closing back the cover..
got myself a new set of wipers..
the old wiper screw was so stubborn that it needed to be clamed to be taken out..
blame who?the rust loh!
jeng jeng jeng...
old wiper...
new wiper!
cannot view the details clearly?tab it out huhuhu...
dun say i waste money laaa...recently alot of~
this mah....hahahaha
Total spent today : RM153 !
Edit: forgot to mentino that the guy also helped me install my grounding cable properly!
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