Thursday, September 2, 2010


Everyone who is of sane consciousness that is living in this world knows that they will have to leave it one day. The moment your mind learns about birth, growth, illness and death. You know the you will one day succumb to illness and then die, if not that then it is to die naturally because of old age.

Yes. The idea of death isn't exactly what everyone is hoping for. No one is happy about the death of someone, especially when the dead is close to you. (Except for some people that is insane and loves to kill ;p)

The way you left us, I consider it as a death with no regrets. Your children have grown up and succeeded in life, they also have shown you that your family will have generations to come with their children.

Rest in Piece, Yeow Che. My beloved grandfather.
You are the one who loved me the most. You didn't know how to express love, therefore you were always giving me money. We both shared the same fate that our father died when we were young. That is why you are always giving me priority as compared to the 20+ other cousins that I have. I am very lucky to be borned your grandchild. Now, it is time to head over to a better life in the next world. Good bye.

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